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2022 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
∗indicates round trip travelers, or travelers that have completed the trail more than once.
Red Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a years time period
Red BOLD Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a single trip
Kelly and Craig Adkins, South Shore, KY
Kevin and Julie Smith, Portsmouth, OH
Chuck Warner, Wheelersburg, OH
Matt Allie, Madison, WI
Mike Angelillo, Fincastle, VA
Candice Arndts, New Carlisle, OH
Ray Barnes, Tarzana, CA
∗Joel Biller, Geneva, OH
Melanie & Randy Bonfiglio, Murrysville, PA
Paul Borowski, Massillon, OH
Dwight Bowman, Galena, OH
Kristen Braig, Belle Center, OH
Don Capestrain, Jeff Norton and Bob Doerschuk
North Canton, OH
Colin Carneal, Akron, OH
Luis Cervantes, Orchard Park, NY
Greg Coleman, Shaker Heights, OH
Lisa Coleman, Cameron
Jordan Conner, Columbus, OH
Joshua Jackiewiecz, Cincinnati, OH
Col Tris Cooper, Marion, OH
Joey Crislip, Minerva, OH
Valerie Cumming, Mabel Cumming-Vukovic, Westerville, OH
Matt Curry, Carmel, IN
Michael Deacon, Wheelersburg, OH
Christina DeLand-Reeves, Leesburg, OH
No Photo
Rose Dickerhoof, Clinton, OH
Lynn Donches, Emmaus, PA
Lynn Farnham, Scarborough, ME
Dana Smith, Weaverville, NC
Jane and Paul Fialcowitz, York, PA
Mike Figg, North Canton, OH
Charles R. Fisenne, Falls Church, VA
Debbie and Michael Flake, Evansville, IN
Amy Flury, Cincinnati, OH
Lucas Gall, Denver, CO
Brad Bowers, Chris Bowers and Greg Bowers
Lynn Gagnon, Medina, OH
John Gaver, Brecksville, OH
Mary Gierhart, Columbus OH
Ryan Green Avon Lake, OH
David Greene, Raleigh, NC
Denise Greer, Jeffersonville, IN
Rick and Myra Grove, Newark, OH
Chris Hall, Clayton, OH
James Harris, Doylestown, OH
Julia Hershey, Lancaster, PA
Mike Hill, Farmersville, OH
Patricia Himmel Seville, OH
George Hoffman, Indianapolis, IN
Ellen Hoover, Columbus, OH
Ryan & Karen Huizinga, Hudsonville, MI
Christina Ianno, Landaff, NH
Joshua Jackiewiecz, Cincinnati, OH
Jordan Conner, Columbus, OH
Tim Johnson, Erie, CO
Mike Johnson, Natick, MA
Justin of Loveland, OH
Matthew Kasl, Olmsted Township, OH
Awesome ride with Mark, Jason and Scott
Ryan Keith, Akron, OH
Keli Keli, Chillicothe, OH
Donald Kirkwood, Newtown Square, PA
Kenneth Knabe, Lakewood, OH
Joanne Kuzala, Taylor, MI
Bill Knuth, Levi Knuth of Columbus, OH
Brian Knuth of Peachtree Corners, GA
Michael Lloyd-Villers, Doylestown, OH
Don McCord, Findlay, OH
Sarah McGregor, Denver, CO
Lee & Joy McKarns, Clayton, OH
Denise Mirtich, Charlene Kiehl, Timothy Marshall
Strongsville and Brunswick Hills, OH
Martha Murphy, Henrico, VA
Maureen Nasser, Clifton, VA
Matt Orosz, Bedford, OH
Erika Osherow, Denver, CO
Jeff & Steve Ott, Olympia, WA
John Ottena, Towson, MD
Jacob & Van Perch, Stow, OH
Scott Pierce, Snellville, GA
Tom and Beth Pryatel, Brunswick, OH
Eric Richter, Highland, IL
Karen Richter, Highland, IL
Robert B Rinkes, Massillon, OH
Mervin Rodelas, North Royalton, OH
Michael and Isaiah Roman, Cincinnati, OH
Dan Schoeffler, Twinsburg, OH
Andrea, Mike and Dawn Seager, Sarasota, FL
Jan Shafer, Erie, PA
Marcia Skinner, Carterville, IL
Jeff Smith, Loveland, OH
Phil Snyder, Appleton, WI
Alexander Solovyov, New York, NY
Andy Stahl, West Mansfield, OH
Ryan Stalter, Sugar Grove, OH
Travis Stroyick, Springboro, OH
Matthew Swier, Columbus OH
John Tyrrell, Dalton, OH
John C. Tyrrell, Davidsonville, MD
Amy Van Strien, Loveland, OH
Daniel Vath, Cincinnati, OH
Steven Venezia, Medina, OH
Mike Walker, Solon, OH
Roger Walker, Bay Village, OH
Gabe Wansitler, Columbus, OH
Barb and Tom Watson, Sacramento, CA
Deborah and Ken Wenger, Waterville Valley, NH
Catherine Widemire, Sagamore Hills, OH
Angelina Koch, Brunswick, OH
Sophia Wiedmann, Blue Ash, OH
No Photo
Melissa Bubash Williams, Cincinnati, OH
Merrie Willliams, Findlay, OH
Julie Williams, Atlanta, GA
Steve (Trigger) Williams, Atlanta, GA
Payne Wissler, Chillicothe, OH
Marissa Witt, Loveland, OH
James Wright and Charlotte Cutright, Pleasantville, OH
Kenneth L. Wysong, Springboro, OH
Deb Young, Richmond, VA
2021 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
∗indicates round trip travelers, or travelers that have completed the trail more than once.
Red Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a years time period
Red BOLD Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a single trip
Tim Adkins, Lorain, OH
Pete Albert, Richfield, OH and Mike Niezgoda, Seven Hills, OH
Jayne Barnes, Isaac Barnes, Mason Barnes, Williamsport, OH
Bill Baxter, Jeff Ulrey, Tom Carns, & Jenny Lytle, Amelia, OH
Rich & Elizabeth Bennett, Olmstead Falls, OH
David S. Brown, Parma. OH and Zach Stalnaker, Westerville, OH
∗Fred Burton and Phil Niemie, Columbus, OH
Lisa and Terry Campbell, Maplewood, OH
The Flamazing Flamingos:
Michelle Chilenski, Hilliard, OH
Mark Chilenski (left), Westerville, OH and Steve Johnson (right), Hilliard, OH
Daniel Conway and (Left) and Barry Conway (Right), Dayton, OH
Dennis Crapser, Montgomery, PA
Kimberly Crisman, Annapolis, MD
Sheri Crump, Hurricane, WV and Tim Rhodes, Mount Sterling, OH
Ron Danielak and Phil Pitts, Plano, TX
Tracy Davidson, Providence, UT
Scott Day and Bruce Martin, San Antonio, TX
Lonnie Dearth, Jupiter, FL and Julie Roberts, Westerville, OH
James Dolan, Lock Haven, PA
Wayne McCollough, Lock Haven, PA
Dennis Evans, Eden Prairie, MN
Dan D’Orazio, Avon Lake, OH
Rye D’Orazio, Westerville, OH
Jason Dul, Columbus, OH
Brian Everingham, Dave Farris, Micah Frederick, Peter Ganeff, Serena Smith, Lauren Szymczak, Jaden Tatum, Donovan Weber, Adam Wolf, Columbus and Cincinnati, OH – Fundraiser for Africa Fire Mission
Tom Feie, Mariemont, OH
John Frame, Warren, OH
Patrick Francis, Perrysburg, OH
Elizabeth Gomez and Adrienne Gunn, Chicago, IL
Matt Graser and Bethany, Cincinnati, OH
Larry Hafertepen, Park Hills, KY
Dean and Debbie Halverson, Colorado Springs, CO
Kathy Hancock, Atlanta, GA, Jim Covington, New Castle, DE and Bob Robinson, Galesburg, IL
Mike Hourigan and Dave Whaley, Northfield, VT
Dan Hrkman, Dayton, OH
Giovanna Iacobacci, Willoughby, OH
Simon Insley, Battle Creek, MI
Randy and Carol Jones, Conneaut, OH
James Kennedy, Sheffield Village, OH
Tom Kilcoyne, Cincinnati, OH and David Uible, New Richmond, OH
Daniel and Constance Kirk Karls, McComb, OH

John Kovach, Willoughby, OH
Lara, Bre, and Adam, Lake County, OH
Laura Kubatko, Columbus, OH
Suzy Leonard, Indianapolis, IN
Alex Lewis, Charlie All, Lance, Kanicki and Quan, Galena and Westerville, OH
Rhonda Loos, Glendale, AZ and Jill Diamond, Phoenix, AZ
Tim and Debi Marine, Sebring, FL
Tom Marth, Cincinnati, OH
Ally Marth, Cincinnati, OH
Kristi Marth, Cincinnati, OH
Marty O’ Malley, Cincinnati, OH
Ray Marth, Downers Grove, IL
Steven McMillian, Cincinnati, OH
Dana McKnight, Windsor, VA
Karen, John and Tom Moore, Highland Park, IL
Tim Morford and Dan Olexio, Columbus OH
Todd Music, Mentor, OH
Bruce O’Neill, Mt. Lebanon, PA
Sheila OReilly, Columbus, OH
Tracy Ortman, Williamsburg, VA
Don Paul and Jackie Kirk, OH
Jonathan Palmer, Grass Valley, CA
Truy Pham, Canton, OH
Dr. Mark Rasch, Bellbrook, OH and Dr. Byron Wade, Beavercreek, OH
Ken and Lynn Reese, Nardin, OK
Michael L Salesberry, St. Joseph, MI
John Sandman and Barbara Jones, Delhi, NY
Leah Sharkey and James Little, Cleveland, OH
Jack Sims, Cleveland, OH
Jackson Stanley-Muster, Beavercreek, OH and Ryan White, WI
Allison Squires, Greensburg, PA
Erik Thiem and Walter Thiem, Cleveland, OH
Greg Townley, Vandalia, OH and William Zapf, Bay Village, OH
Chris & Maria Tritch, Cincinnati, OH
Daniel Trump, Pittsburgh, PA
Tim Warsinskey, Mentor, OH
MaryJane Watson and Robert Hickey, Cincinnati, OH
David Weber and David “Alex” Weber, Cincinnati, OH
Bruce and Judy Wester, Framingham, MA
Albert Wray, Doug Kessler, Marie Boone, Ron King, Steve Rhoades, Kelly Mothmiller and Paul Hinkelman, Troy, OH
Dan Whitney and Michael Whitney, Hilliard, Ohio
Jeanne Wilson, Stow, OH
Dan Yoder & Celesta Troyer, Dalton, OH and Killbuck, OH
Deb Young, Richmond, VA
2020 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
∗indicates round trip travelers, or travelers that have completed the trail more than once.
Red Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a years time period
Red BOLD Text indicates someone that ran, skated, or walked the trail within a single trip
Josh Bartz, Matthew Forsthoefel, Nathan Forsthoefel, and Sam Merkel, Cincinnati, OH
Mike Beery, Frankfort, OH
Jim Britt, Little Rock, AR, Ben Wichner and Mary Jane Watson, Cincinnati, OH
Lex and Pete Bundschuh, Hollis, NH
Tom and Bonnie Carpenter, Mansfield, OH
AJ & John Dieter, Sarasota, FL
Julie Maletic, Dayton, OH
Laura & Jack Niekamp, Chicago, IL
Connie & Joe Zoeller, Naperville, IL
Bud Dodge, Holliston MA, Howard Metzger, Canton OH and Devin Metzger, Cincinnati OH
Sharon Spencer Edgewood, KY, Kathy Mullen Pittsburgh, PA and Tim Mullen, Dayton, OH
Brad Genet, Huntsville, AL and Ben Wicker, Columbus, OH
Rick Hart from Columbiana, OH and Bill Hart from Kettering, OH
Titus Hawley, Beavercreek, OH
Parker Erisman, West Carrollton, OH
Patrick Bucci, Dayton, OH
Des Strydom, Edgewater, FL
Matthew Hawley, Beavercreek OH
Daisy Hildebrand, Trish Capehart, and Melinda DelFratte
Dave Honchul, Loveland, OH & Sarah Honchul, Lexington, KY
Pam and Russ Jones, Grove City, OH
Ericka Keator, Isaiah Keator, and Jeremy French, Norwich, NY
∗Bill Knuth, Columbus, OH
and three of his grandsons,
Nick Lusky, Westerville, OH,
Samuel Knuth, Columbus, OH and
Kyle Knuth, Peachtree Corners, GA
Rick Kratche, Phoenix, AZ, and Jim Pile, Chesterland, OH
Carrie Magill, Mary Mantese, Ann Quigley, Karen Karabell, Ashlea Appelbaum
Julie Maletic, Dayton,OH
Penny Marchal, Columbus, OH, Brenda Ribble, Columbus, OH
Craig Mast, Kidron, OH
∗Louise & Lawrence Matthews, Bluffton, OH
∗Marilyn Morris, Anchorage, AK
Kevin Parsons, Charlotte, NC, Gabe Wical, Apex, NC

Bob Rohrbaugh, Hamilton OH and Mark Wilson, Hamilton OH
Bruce Saunders, Wilmington, Ohio and Paul Mullins, Athens, Ohio

Chuck Winterberger (Honeoye Falls, NY), Steve Sohn (The Colony, Texas), Jeff Corey (Mendon, NY), Tom Winterberger (Scotia, NY), Mark Novak (Verona, NY), John Winterberger (Spencerport, NY), and Bill Crowley (Marcellus, NY)
Chad Wolf, Keith Adkins, Max Gavazzi, and Alex York
2019 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
Steve Atchley and Greg Knight, Knoxville, TN
Shirley Bencik, Greenwood, IN and
Karen Wade, Indianapolis, In
Craig Blystone, Pittsburgh, PA
Mark, Aaron, & Luke Bresler, Van Buren, OH
Rochelle Bowen (Dixon), Glendale, OH
Scott Bowers, Cincinnati, OH (2x rider!)
Eric Butter and Sean McLaughlin, Columbus, OH
Rick Colvin, Stow, OH and Ron Colvin, Brunswick, OH

Alan Defibaugh, Claysville, PA and Alan Defibaugh Jr., Lakewood, OH
Roxanne Dixon, Melbourne, FL and Rocky Large, Dayton, OH
Sandy and Larry Dow, Lancaster, OH
David Donnellan, Pittsburgh, PA
and Scott and Ian Gilbert, Perry, OH
Matt Freado, David Michalec, Westerville, OH
Linda Gajus Buschmann, Loveland, OH
Bob Gardner, Ron Simmons and Milt Becknell, Beavercreek, OH
Brian Gunnoe and Brian Settle,
Columbus, OH
Rex Harris, West Carrollton, OH
Michele Hedrick and
Debbie Glover, St. Louis MO
Pat Heithaus, Mt. Vernon, OH,
Josh Heithaus, Cooper City, FL
Andrew Hershberger, Rittman, OH
Greg Houde, North Haverhill, NH
Steve Houde, Medway, MA
Patrick Hubbard, Maysville, KY
Jim Irvine, Chris Hopple, Graham Parlin, Erik Schumann, Dan Hillenbrand, Doug Squires, Cincinnati, OH
Andrew Jeacle, Ottawa, CN, Dave Beavers and Bill Mandros, Bristow, VA
Kevin Johnson and Adam Neltner, Cincinnati, OH
Erik Keller, Ridgetfield, CT and
Theodore Sklar, East Setauket, N.Y.
Paul and Rowan Kilroy, Columbus, OH
(Rowas was 10 years, 6 mos when he completed riding the trail in 3.5 days!)
Billy “The Kid” Klein, New Tripoli, PA
Kathy and Brion Lannan, Dublin, OH
Tim Lynch, Georgetown, OH
and Jeremie Smith, Columbus, OH
Mark Manthey, Hinckley, OH and Stephen McCord, Falls Church, VA
John Marks and Heather Marks Canal Fulton, OH
and J. Greenwald, Massillon, OH
Matthew and Hann Morrissey, Oakmont, PA
Mickey Niesman , Wellington, FL
Jocelyn Nieva and Bob Woodward, Washington, DC
Glenn and Jan Pearson, Longmont, CO, Bob and Dale White (Dale was support driver), GA, Marlin McCauley and Jan, GA, John and Tawney O’Shea, IA, Bill and Patty Miner, WI
Dwight Pittenger, Blue Ash, OH
Mike and Laurel Riekkoff, Waukesha, WI
Ken Riekkoff, Milwaukee, WI
Carrie Dessicker, Big Bend, WI
Larry A Syverson, Minerva, OH
Josh and Philip Welhener, Vidalia, OH
Matt and Renee Wood, Littleton, CO
Derek Yeager, Doylestown OH
2018 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
Bill Brown, Cincinnati, OH
Tim Boesken, Cincinnati, OH
Timmi Anne Boesken, Cincinnati, OH
Gene Boesken, Crescent Springs, KY
Andrea Borchers, Prescott, AZ
Sam Borchers, Prescott, AZ
Ian Carney, Mount Vernon, OH
Graham Carter, Atlanta, GA
Maurice Carter, Covington, GA
Terry Click, IN
Milan Cramer, Bluffton, OH
Tom Crouch, VA
Sean M. Dwyer,
Sean A. Dwyer, and
Ana Dwyer, Cincinnati, OH
Melissa and Helmer Flores, Fredericksburg, VA
Kristen Frederick, Sardinia, OH
Mark Funkhouser, Newberry, OH
Tim Furey, Cleveland, OH
Gary Geisel, Dayton, OH **x2
(Gary completed the trail
both ways in a single trip)
Ann and Tony Gehl, Knoxville, TN
Gary Gilbert, Illinois; Nancy Thurtell, Iowa;
Vickie Ingram, Missouri; and Bob Qualkinbush, Missouri
JM Haas, Greensburg, PA
Gerri Hart, Paola KS
Deb Heatwole, Lima, OH
Heinz, Columbia, South Carolina
Steve Hinojosa, Livonia, MI
Therese Hosbach, Coldwater, OH
Ed Hosbach, Coldwater, OH
Karen Hughes, Seamen, OH
Dan Hurley, Fort Recovery, OH
Zak Hurley, New Bremen, OH
Henry Johnson II, Spartanburg, SC
Karen Johnson, Alexandria, OH
Warren Johnson, Alexandria, OH
Mark Jones, Knoxville, TN
Ken Knabe, Cleveland, OH
John Knapke, Janet Knapke,
Paul Knapke, and JoAnn Knapke,
Columbus, OH
Haley Knauff, Waverly OH
Rich Knauff, Waverly OH
Mary Beth Knowles, Corning, NY
Gabe and Bill Knuth, Columbus, OH
Eric, Kollenberg, New Paltz, NY
Matt Kretchmar, Granville, OH
Ganesh Krishnan, Atlanta, GA
Bill Kuhn, KS
Lori Leadmon and Cindy Hanner, Huntington, WV
Mark Looney, Cleveland, OH
Kim Love-Ottobre, Newcomerstown, OH
John McDonald, Cincinnati, OH
Marty the dog, Livonia, MI
Jill C. McCarthy, Loveland, OH
Sherry Miller – Newport News, VA
Jack Mosby, AK
Nathan Mullins, New Boston, OH
Mike Nelson, Bowling Green, OH
Andy Niekamp, Dayton, OH
David & Gavin Ni, Dublin, OH
Jimi Nixon, Columbus, OH
Robert O’Neal, Stone Mountain, GA
Tom Pauquette (Grove City, OH), Brad Pauquette (Van Wert, OH),
and Bruce Pauquette (Zanesville, OH)
Chuck Perry, Westerville, OH
Karen Price, Cincinnati, OH
Marty Proctor, Tampa, FL
Michael Reese, Tallmadge, OH
Karen Richters &
Matthew Weathers, TN
RTWC – Rails to Trails of Wayne County:
Keith Workman-Orrville, OH,
Mike & Peg Abrams-Bolivar, OH,
Rose Jolliff-Wooster, OH,
Joanne Fisher-Wooster, OH,
Gerald Headd-Elyria,
Tom Oerl-Massillon, OH,
Cheryl Wengerd-Dalton, OH,
Margaret Glenn-Chippewa Lake, OH,
Dave Wengerd-Dalton, OH,
Annette Foster-Uniontown, OH,
Katie Donoghue-Burlington, WS, and
Gary Leiendecker-Wadsworth, OH
Rob Schlatter, Upper Arlington, OH
Zach Sillman, Wooster, OH
Andy Skulsky, Livonia, MI
Rachel Skulsky, Livonia, MI
Gary Snyder, Columbus, OH
Mark Sparling, Bellbrook, OH (x6!)
Cable Starlings, AK
Tom Stewart, Des Plaines, IL
Glenn Thomas, Newport News, VA
Andrea C. Thomason, Saint Helena Island, SC
Tyler Vick, Columbus, OH
Michel Villon, AK
Jill Vogelgesang, Lima OH
Dennis Webb, Silt, CO
Tim Willeke, Westerville, OH and Ted Jones, Kenton, OH
“Tim and Ted’s Excellent Adventure”
Shane Williams, Jackson, OH
Austin Winfield, Cincinnati, OH
Thomas Wright II, New Vienna, OH
Stephen Yusko, Cleveland, OH
Betsy Yingling, Rocky River, OH
Kent Zellner, Tiffin, OH
2014-2017 Travelers of the Entire Ohio to Erie Trail
Bill Ahern, OH
Mike Ahern, OH
Shawn Aker, OH
Tom Alexander, OH
Tom Armitage, MD
Chuck Bahl, OH
Chris Bay, OH
Stephen Berkley, NY
Wally Biery, OH
Thomas Bilcze, OH
Matthew Bittner, NE
William Bohl, OH
Steve Bolin, FL
Damon Bower, OH
Bill Brown, OH
Don Burrell, OH
Jim Bush, OH
Doug Bush, FL
Bill Bushman, VA
John Cayton, Napoleon, OH
Hannah Clouser, NY
Sherry Clouser, OH
Donna Cochran, OH
Laura Hargritt Cohen, OH
Tom Collins, OH
Marilyn Collins, OH
Randy Cronk, OH
Florin Damman, OH
Peggy Doheny, Strongsville, OH and Susan Schneider, Westlake
Lisa Daris, OH
Cass Dedert, MO
Jim Delia, MO
Jeff DeLong, VA
Dennis Demilner, MI
Kevin Ditto, OH
Mary Ditto, OH
Steve Ditto, OH
Joyce and Bill Dupont, OH
Joe Etienne, OH
Rich Furstoss, NY
Tom Gaughenbaug, OH
David George, OH
Lauren Gersbach, OH
Andrew Grandjean, OH
Carl Griffin, IN
Phil Grimm, OH
Mike Groeber, OH
Phillip Hager. KY
Missy Hager, KY
Dan Hamilton, OH
Bill Hatcher, TX
John Hatfield, OH
Dave Hayslip, OH
Sarah Henrici, PA
Sue Hersman, TX
Bob Hessler, OH
Mike Huddleston, OH
Larry Hughes, OH
Pam Hutton, OH
Mark Jennings, WA
Gary and Pam Johnson, PA
Ann Johnston, NY
Jamison Jones, WV
Emily Johnson, OH
Carl Johnston, NY
Sarah Justice, KY
Jonathon Lewis, KY
Keith Kasnik, OH
Terry Kassnel, OH
Daniel Kelly, OH
John Kemper, OH
Steve Kistler, OH
Stan Kirtlan, OH
Bill Krisak, NJ
Mitch Lambert, OH
Jim Lamkins, MO
Ernie and Debbie Lehman, OH
Leslie MacDonald, OH
Carolyn McGill, NE
Cole McMahon, OH
Tom Moffitt, OH
Aaron Moehring, OH
Maria Jensen Moehring, OH
Greg Moore, MS
Steve Moore, PA
Vince Morber, OH
Chris Mulpas, OH
Horia Neamtu, NY
Walter Neubauer, OH
Bob Niedenthal, OH
Joe Nosse, OH
Phil Obermiller, OH
Jason Orn, OH
Rochelle Orn, OH
Lance Osborne, OH
Ron Overly, OH
Ruth Overly, OH
James Owens, OH
Carla Perry, OH
Mary Plumley, OH
Ron Plumley, OH
Charles Pierce, OH
Greg Phillips, OH
Jim Printy, VA
Jim Rahtz, OH
Robert Rashid, OH
Katy Ratcliff, IN
Ken Ratcliff, IN
Denny Ravine, OH
Mike Rector, MO
Tim Reimund, OH
Dan Rhule, OH
Frank Richnavsky, OH
Matt Richnavsky, PA
Brad and Porgia Rodu, KY
John Robinson, OH
Porgia Rodu, KY
Jay Rowe, OH
Pat Sabo, OH
Ray Sabo, OH
Sandy Sanders, OH
Steve Schwalbach, KY
Joe Schmidt, CO
Valerie Schmidt, MO
Ricky Smith, OH
Tom Smith, Cincinnati, OH
Joshua Strzala, OH
Margaret and Dennis Surber, OH
Jay Telzrow, OH
Ellen Tripp, OH
Jeremy Varner, OH
Christopher and Stephanie Weibel, West Harrison, IN
Mike Wilcox, NY
David Winans, OH
Jim and Anita Woodward, AZ
Katlin Zimmerly, OH
Thomas Wright, New Vienna, OH